Clinics & Services

In addition to GP consultations the practice offers a range of clinics and healthcare services:

asthma_inhaler_5Asthma Clinic - this clinic is for diagnosed asthmatics or those having problems.  Run by the practice nurse with one of our GP’s on hand.

Diabetic Clinic - run by the nurses and a GP with chiropodist and dietician in attendance.  All the diabetic patients in the practice are offered an annual review check to monitor the effectiveness of therapy and to check for the development of complications.  Patients should attend the nurse for blood tests and their optician for a free routine eye check at least two weeks before their clinic appointment.

Ante-Natal Clinic - Midwives are based within Shantallow Health Centre they can be contacted on 02871610800. If you have found out you are pregnant and need to 

99351926Child Health & Immunisation - every Tuesday 09:30 – 11:30 by appointment. All babies are invited for regular check-ups from eight weeks old.

Family Planning - all methods of contraception (except coil fitting at present) are available through the practice, though any method requiring a procedure to be carried out needs to be discussed with the doctor or nurse first so that arrangements can be made for you.

Minor Surgery Clinic - the doctor will advise you if one of the many minor surgical procedures available in this clinic are appropriate for your condition.

Foreign Travel - a full range of advice and immunisation are available.  Please make an appointment with the practice nurse well in advance, (one month if possible).

Health Check for over 75’s - if you are over 75 years of age and not had an appointment with the doctor for 3 years you may request a health check with a practice nurse.

Cervical Screening Programme - Patients age between 25 - 64 will be invited to attend for cervical screening.

What to expect when attending for cervical screening

Bowel Screening Film - What happens at Bowel Screening

Community Crisis Intervention Service - CCIS is there to help in distress going through a crisis and those who feel suicidal

8-14 Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6PW

02871262300 (8PM Thursday to 8AM Sunday)


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